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Signaltape® Underground Warning Tape | Installation Instructions

Image depicting how to dispense warning tape from box.

Instructions for Open Trench Installation

  1. Position box for product to be dispensed from side opening.
  2. Pull tape and lay flat in trench (printed side up) over the length of the utility.
  3. At the end of each box overlap ends of tape by a minimum of 20 ft (~6 m).
    Note: See example and method for repairs below.
  4. If applicable, join tracer wire using a direct bury connector with strain relief unless otherwise specified by the engineer.
  5. Backfill trench according to project specifications.
Additional Installation Options: Signaltape may also be installed with static or vibratory plow.


It is recommended that Signaltape® Underground Warning Tape be buried 12 inches (30 cm) or less below grade. The minimum distance from the top of the pipeline should be 12 in (30 cm), with 24 in (60 cm) to 36 inches (90 cm) recommended as shown to the right.

Diagram depicting the appropriate install depth for underground marking and warning tapes. This graphic specifically depicts an image of Signaltape Underground Warning Tape which is known for is proprietary sine wave (which is visible).
Important Information: Please read limited warranty available at

Installation Method: Overlapping Signaltape®

Overlap ends by a minimum of 20 ft (~6 m).
Image depicting the Damage Prevention Solutions method for overlapping Signaltape® Underground Warning Tape.

Repair Method: Joining Signaltape®

Peel back the two layers of each end of tape exposing the core material and join together using a double fisherman’s knot as shown below.
Image depicting how to use a double fisherman's knot to join two pieces of Signaltape Warning Tape together.

Signaltape® Underground Warning Tape - Installation Sheet

Click the button below to download this datasheet as a PDF.
Installation Sheet
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