"Utilities are often in the process of relocation at the time a project is bid. Regardless of what utilities are shown in the bidding documents and utility locations listed, the bidder shall contact each area utility to determine the presence and location of utility lines. The bidder shall determine and shall assume the risk as to whether utilities that are to be relocated by the utility companies have in fact been relocated and if not, when the utility company anticipates the relocation shall be completed. The bidder shall independently determine the reliability of the information received from the utility companies and shall make the determination as to the sequence and timing of utility relocations in determining a bid."
"All utility facilities and appurtenances within the project limits shall be installed or relocated by the utility owner, unless specified otherwise. Utility installation and relocation shall be made in accordance with 7 CSR 10-3, Utility and Private Line Location and Relocation."
"Before beginning demolition, the contractor shall arrange for the disconnection of utilities to buildings to be demolished in accordance with the regulations of the utility concerned. The contractor shall take measures to prevent any material from entering storm and sanitary sewers. In the event that utility service lines are disrupted and utility service is needed, the contractor shall provide adequate substitute utility service, at the contractor's expense."
"Trenches shall be excavated to the width and depth necessary for conduit installation as shown on the plans. All trenches shall be backfilled as soon as practical after the installation of conduit or cable-conduit. Cinders, broken concrete and other hard or objectionable material that might cause mechanical damage to conduit or cable-conduit shall not be used for backfilling to an elevation 12 inches above the top of conduit or cable-conduit. The bottom of the trench shall be free of such material before the conduit is placed. Backfill material shall be deposited in layers not exceeding 6 inches deep and each layer shall be compacted to the approximate density of the adjacent material by an approved method before the next layer is placed. Red burial tape imprinted with 'CAUTION - BURIED CABLE BELOW' shall be installed in all trenches and plowing operations at approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the depth of the trench. If the trench is to be located under a shoulder that is to be stabilized, the trenching, installation of conduit or cable-conduit and backfilling the trench shall be completed before the shoulder stabilization construction is started. Unless the lighting poles are in place, a coil of cable or cable-conduit of sufficient length to reach the proposed handhole shall be buried near each pole location. The coil shall be covered such that damage will not occur"
"The conduit containing only fiber optic interconnect cable shall be polyvinyl chloride or high density polyethylene conduit in accordance with Sec 1060 and shall be orange in color. A No. 14 AWG stranded copper tracer wire or a pull tape with a tracer wire shall be installed in the conduit."
"All conduits shall contain a bare or green-jacketed No. 14 AWG stranded copper tracer wire. Tracer wire shall not be pulled into the controller cabinet or bases. An additional 6 feet of tracer wire shall be coiled in each pull box. Tracer wire in pull boxes shall be capped, not electrically bonded to any ground wires, labeled "TRACER" and tagged in accordance with Sec 902.20."
"Trenches shall be excavated to the width and depth necessary for conduit installation. All trenches shall be backfilled as soon as practical after the installation of conduit. Cinders, broken concrete and other hard or objectionable material that might cause mechanical damage to the conduit shall not be used for backfilling within 6 inches of the top of the conduit. The bottom of the trench shall be free of such material before the conduit is placed. Conduit shall not be placed without approval of the trench from the engineer. Backfill material shall be deposited in the trench in layers not exceeding inches deep and each layer shall be compacted to the approximate density of the adjacent material by an approved method before the next layer is placed. Red burial tape imprinted with 'CAUTION - BURIED CABLE BELOW' shall be installed in all trenches at approximately one-third to one-half of the depth of the trench. All disturbed areas shall be restored to the satisfaction of the engineer."
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