"Ensure that locate wire is a single copper conductor with a minimum gauge of No. 12 AWG. Ensure locate wire is insulated using a 45 mil minimum thickness polyethylene sheath that is orange in color and marked to identify the manufacturer and the conductor size."
Ensure that locate wires are attached to a wire grounding unit (WGU) dedicated to safely dissipate high transient voltages or other foreign electrical surges induced into the designated system. Ensure the WGU conforms to the following:
1. Allows signals generated by locate system transmitters to pass through the protection system without going to ground.
2. The protection system automatically resets and passes locate system transmitter signals after the unit has been grounded to dissipate over-voltages.
3. Is intended for below or above grade applications. Ground the WGU to a driven rod within 10 feet of the system using a No. 6 AWG single conductor wire with green insulation. Ensure that the WGU is enclosed for protection from environmental hazards and is accessible for the connection of portable locate system transmitters.
4. The WGU system meets the minimum standards listed in Table 630-1 for surge protection:
Table 630-1: Minimum Standards for Surge Protection
Surge Element 3-element maximum duty fail-safe gas tube.
Rating 40,000 A surge capacity (single-cycle, 8 by 20 microsecond waveform).
Life Minimum 1,000 surges (1000 A to ground).
Fail-Safe Integral fail-shorted device.
Insulation Resistance 1,000 megohm minimum at 100 volts of direct current (VDC).
Clamp Voltages
a. Impulse at 100 volts per microsecond: Typically 500 volts.
b. Direct Current: 300 to 500 volts.
"Ensure that the buried cable warning tape is flexible, elastic material 3 inches wide, 6 mil thick, intended for burial and use as an underground utility warning notice, and that the surface of the warning tape is coated and sealed to prevent deterioration caused by harsh soil elements. Ensure that the warning tape color follows the American Public Works Association color code for underground utilities and has the repeating message “CAUTION: FDOT CABLE BURIED BELOW” or other wording approved by the Engineer, permanently printed on its surface. Ensure that the tape material and ink colors do not change when exposed to acids, alkalis, and other destructive chemical variances commonly found in Florida soils."
"... Include buried cable warning tape with all trenched conduit. ..."
Signaltape® Underground Warning Tape listed on APL
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